Our Team is Always There for YOU! 

RockHaven Health & Wellness believes in medical freedom and meeting each person where they are at with their health needs. Our team uses a combination of integrative medicine and modern therapies, including direct primary care, bioidentical hormone therapy and customized IV infusions. We focus on root cause healing and getting our clients their lives back. 

At RockHaven Health & Wellness, our providers are changing the way healthcare is delivered. We have been able to touch the lives of many through direct care access, and our natural remedies focusing on chronic disease, hormone balancing and thyroid management. 

7200 S. Alton Way, Suite A-150

Centennial, CO 80112

PH: 720.704.1205  •  FX: 720.799.1601


© 2024 Rock Haven Healthcare LLC  |  Artogenic Creative •  V13B  04/30/24