Rock Haven Health and Wellness offers High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C to treat a wide variety of conditions, including cancer. We follow the Riordan Clinic intravenous vitamin C (IVC) protocols which have been used safely for many years, treating thousands of patients. The Riordan Clinic Research Institute (RCRI) has been studying the potential of intravenous vitamin C therapy for over thirty years and has set the standard for complimentary oncology care.
High dose IVC is one of the best antiviral agents available, with the ability to neutralize and eliminate a wide range of toxins. Vitamin C will enhance host resistance, greatly enhancing the immune system’s ability to neutralize bacterial and fungal infections.
Who Can Benefit from High Dose IV Vitamin C?
Candidates include those seeking to help their body heal faster. Those looking to increase energy levels/fatigue. Those experiencing resilience to infection like colds/flus and viral/bacterial infections. Cancer patients who are seeking to improve effectiveness of standard cancer care, as well as aim to decrease severity of side effects from standard cancer therapy. IVC may also benefit those attempting to prolong their remission and those declining standard treatment yet wishing to pursue alternative care.
How Vitamin C Works on Cancer?
• Plasma ascorbic acid (vitamin C) concentrations in high range can be safely achieved with IVC infusions.
• At high concentrations, ascorbate is toxic to cancer and kills cancer cells in vitro and is able to inhibit angiogenesis (new vessel formation) in vitro and in vivo.
• Vitamin C can accumulate in tumors, with significant tumor growth inhibition.
• Published case studies report anti-cancer efficacy, improved patient well-being, and decreases in markers of inflammation and tumor growth.
• Phase I clinical studies indicate that IVC can be administered safely with relatively few adverse effects.
• Reduces free radicals.
• Dietary supplements cannot achieve the same level of ascorbic acid in blood.
How is it Done?
• There are some medical exclusions and/or relative contraindications.
• Lab work and review of medical records is needed prior to starting the protocol.
• The doses of Vitamin C vary and are established based on the blood level of Vitamin C achieved after the administration of the IV Vitamin C.
• The length of each infusion depends on the dose of the Vitamin C and how it is tolerated but expect 1.5-2 hours. Please eat prior to your infusion and drink plenty of fluids.
• The protocol is usually administered twice a week, in rare cases three times a week. Duration is usually 3 months followed by a taper and monthly maintenance.